This day sucked. This whole PLANET sucked, with its extremely bright sun and cites made of glass DETERMINED to shine every ray into hir eyes. Hir even being out here in the brimstone of this place was all the fault of hir boyfriend making hir venture outside to get groceries, of all trivial things.
Apparently eating the leaves off our house plants and crackers wasn't enough for Eleb. At Least he knew to remind Lawol to take hir parasol with hir. S/he adjusts it off hir shoulder to cover hir fully after hir nose started burning from the sunrays.
Not even being able to look at anything interesting Definitely made today the worst one yet of this week. Lawol hopes Eleb gets transferred to another location soon. S/he doesn't know how much longer this surprisingly drab city. Or that just might be the grays of the floor.
Almost to hir destination, Lawol passes a big marble bank that, like for many other buildings, risks to look at, hoping a blinding reflection won't meet hir eyes.
And it doesn't! And s/he gets to admire it and its carved infrastructure.
Lawol’s ears prick as s/he hears a commotion start on its inside, ending in at least 20 bank goers running out of the front doors.
“What-?” Lawol tries to ask one of the persons, but they just push past hir with no answers.
Well That Was Rude S/he thinks, narrow eyed, looking back at their retreating backside. Lawold absolutely doubts what happened in a bank warrants that kind of behavior. And to Prove that s/he'll get in there and see whats all this fuss about. Beats walking on hot asphalt for any longer.

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